Investment programs
Subsidezed programs for the establishment and development of your enterprise
The European commission approved of the new NSRF(National Strategic Reference Framework) for 2014-2020. Greek NSRF is the third among 28 member states of the EU after Denmark and Germany. The timely approval ensures the promotion of high quality projects that emphasizes the goal achievement of consistence policy for the Europe of 2020 and finally for new jobs.
New NSRF can be a catalyst for development in a critical period for the state. It’s about 26 billion public investments. Emphasis will be given on the support of projects of existing as well as new enterprises . Priority will be given to innovation and extroversion.
Basic features of new NSRF:
In this are added:
Total amount of Community Assistance: almost 20,8 billion euros.
The total amount of the European resources our country will take advantage of from 2014-2020 with the national contribution will be over 26 billion euros.
Key priority is to fund projects that promote competitiveness, innovation and the extroversion of the country’s enterprises including those in the primary sector. New NSRF fund will be directed to qualitative entrepreneurship pointed to innovation and increasing of domestic value added.
Seven native Operational Programms (including technical assistance):
1. “Entrepreneurship-competitiveness-innovation”
Budget:3,64 billion euros (public expenditure 4,55 biliion euros).
The largest operational program of new NSRF, absorbs 25% of the resources. Strategic aim of the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship-Innovation(EPAnEK-kinissi 2014-2020)is the strengthening of competitiveness and extroversion, the transition to qualitative entrepreneurship and the increase of domestic added value. The new plan highlights at central role productive, competitive and extrovert economy sectors such as:
2. “Education-training-employment”
Budget: 1,9 billion euros (public expenditure 2,3 billion euros) plus 0,17 billion euros (public expenditure 0,214) for youth employment.
Target of thisoperational program is to face unemployment focusing on creating quality education possibilities, skills upgrading and sustainable employment for all and opinions on strengthening social cohesion.
3. “Transport infrastructure environment and sustainable development”
Budget: 3,5 billion euros (public expenditure 4,2 billion euros).
The targets of thisoperational program, as far as the environmental sector is concerned, gives emphasis on the environmental protection and exploitation as a means to support the country’s transition to a friendly environment economy, with simultaneous competitive advantage creation, to facilitate investment attraction and to provide opportunities for the pursuit of business activities in the same environment sector.
4. “Public Sector Reformation”
Budget: 0,38 billion euros (public expenditure 0,47 billion euros). Integrated strategy changes in horizontal sectors that penetrate the structures and concern many ministries simultaneously. The aimof the programis to address problems of organization, management and control and at the same time improvement of coordination among the ministries. Indicative priority areas:
5. “Rural development programme”
Budget:4,2 billion euros (public expenditure 5,2 billion euros) of which 1,2 billion (public expenditure 1,5 billion euros) through Regional Operational Programs .The basic strategic options of the country for the agricultural sector strengthening aim at:
6. “Fisheries and marine Affairs Program” (upon finalization of the resources)
Budget (estimated amount) 389 million euros (public expense 523 million euros). Indicative areas of priority of the business program is:
7. “TechnicalAssistance”
Budget:0,32 billion euros (public expense 0,39 billion euros). The business program “technical Assistance 2014-2020” is expected to play a vital role for the timely and effective high quality implementating interventions that will be financed during the new programming period. To serve this role the Operational Program is based on a clear strategy that aims at the effectiveness maximizing of the NSRF 2014-2020 structures and procedures.
The technical assistance finances activities such as preparation, management, monitoring assessment, information and communication, networking, fiscal control including electronic data interchange system, as well as measures for the authorities and beneficiaries reinforcement.
Thirteen Regional Operational Programms
Budget: 5,2 billion euros (public sector expense 6,75 billion euros)
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